Who are we?

Wildebras Bierbrouwers, located at Marco Pololaan 71, 3526 GA Utrecht, is responsible for processing personal data as stated in this privacy statement.

Contact: info@wildebrasbierbrouwers.nl | https://www.wildebrasbierbrouwers.nl | Marco Pololaan 71, 3526 GA Utrecht 

Victor van der Have & Lotte Wakkie are responsible for the data protection of Wildebras Bierbrouwers. They can be reached via email at info@wildebrasbierbrouwers.nl.31617556426.


Which data do we gather and why?

Wildebras Bierbrouwers processes your personal data when you use our services and/or because you provide this information to us. We always ask for your permission for this.

We use the following data: First and last name, date of birth, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

We process your personal data because of the following reasons / purposes: Processing your order | Sending a newsletter if you have opted in for this | To be able to reach you if this is needed to provide our services | To inform you of changes in our services and/or products | To offer you the possibility to create a personal account | To deliver goods and/or services. Wildebras Bierbrouwers also processes personal information if we are legally obligated to, for example for tax purposes.

Our website does not have the intention to collect data of visitors who are younger than 16 years old. We, however, cannot check whether or not a website visitor is older than 16 years old. We advise parents to be involved in online activities of their children, to prevent their data from being collected. If you are convinced we have collected such data without parental permission, please contact us at info@wildebrasbierbrouwers.nl as soon as possible, so we can delete this data.

Wildebras Bierbrouwers does not use any automated decision making. All orders and contact go through a human employee.

How long do we save your data?

Your data will not be saved longer than necessary. Contact forms will be deleted after one year. Data collected through client puchasing will be saved for 10 years for tax and accounting purposes. 

Sharing your data with third parties

Wildebras Bierbrouwers will NEVER sell your data to third parties. We only share data if needed for execution of our services (for example shipping) or if legally obligatory. We have agreements with companies that we share your data in order to provide our services, so that the same level of security is maintained.

Cookies or comparable technologies

Wildebras Bierbrouwers only uses technical and functional cookies, and analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer, tablet or smart phone upon your first visit to a website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical execution of the website and your user experience. They make sure the website works and remember your preferenced settings. We can also optimalize our website. You can change the settings of your internet browser so that it doesn't automatically save cookies. You can only delete historical cookies.

View, change or delete your data

You have the right to see, change or delete your own personal data. You also have the right to withdram a permission for the processing of your data, or to make an objection to the processing of your data by Wildebras Bierbrouwers. You also have the right to transfer your data. This means you can file a request for us to transfer the data that we collected to you. 

You can send a request to see, change, delete or transfer your data or a request to withdraw your permission or to object to our use of data processing to info@wildebrasbierbrouwers.nl

To be certain the request was made by you, we ask you to add a copy of your ID along with your request. Make sure you blacken your photo, MRZ (machine readable zone = the line with numbers at the bottom of a passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN). This is to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but at least within 4 weeks.

Wildebras Bierbrouwers would also like to attend you to the possibility to file a complaint at the national supevisor, the Authority Personal Data. This is possible via https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons.

How do we save your personal data?

Wildebras Bierbrouwers takes the protection of your data seriously and takes adequate measures to counter abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted publication and unauthorized changes. If you think that your data is not adequately protected or if there are signs or abuse, please contact us via info@wildebrasbierbrouwers.nl.